7 Ways to Increase Your Daily Water Intake

We are made up of 60% water so being hydrated effects everything from our skin to how well we sleep. Yet many adults do not drink enough water and drink too many sugary and caffeinated alternatives. This causes so many health issues and can be a causing factor behind obesity, acne, hair loss and so many other ailments that a large number of us face. Water is the healing element and without it life on this planet simply is not possible. Writing down all the possible benefits of drinking enough is impossible but below are the benefits that I notice in my day to day life and make a significant difference to my well being.

By itself water is a very powerful detox as it removes toxins and waste from the body. This means that as long as you stay on your A-game with your water consumption you will not need to do or buy complicated detox programs regularly. By flushing out your body water helps clear up your skin as it does not need to be used as a detoxification medium.

Water is essential in the delivery of nutrients to our organs. Eating a healthy diet while being dehydrated defeats the purpose as your body is unable to make proper use of the nutrient dense food you have been fueling it with. Bodily fluids consisting of water also help digestion and circulation.

Our brains are 90% water. Not drinking enough water has many detrimental effects on your brain. Focusing is much harder and not to mention the dehydration migraines and headaches. These are not even the long term effects that a brain can suffer from perpetual dehydration.

Just like the Earth, our muscles consists of 75% water. Drinking enough water prevents cramps, allowing you more endurance and ultimately a stronger body.

Drinking enough water is not the easiest habit to form but with consistent effort it becomes second nature and you find yourself finishing it before you know it. Below are a few simple ways that help me reach my daily goal.

Drink Herbal Teas
Herbal teas counts towards our water intake as they do not contain much or any caffeine. This means it's pure hydration. Do not use too much sugar as that will lesson how much hydration you receive. So go ahead and stock up on your rooibos, green and peppermint teas.\

Carbonated Water 
I used to think carbonated water was unhealthy. I guess I associated it with sugary fizzy drinks. It turns out, however, that sparkling water is a very good alternative to these sugary drinks and is good for digestion as well. So do not shy away as this definitely counts towards your daily intake.

Add Slices of Lemon and Lime
I think most people's issue with water is that they do not like the taste or the fact that it does not have a taste. Adding lemon and lime will make drinking water so much more bearable and there are many health benefits that come along with it. Both are high in vitamin C, boosts the immune system, improve digestion, aid in detoxification, increase energy, and so much more.

Eat Your Water
Being hydrated is not always about how many glasses of water you drink. Eating fruits and vegetables that are water rich also counts towards your daily intake and will keep you just as hydrated. Some of these fruits and veggies include cucumber, watermelon, peaches, strawberries, pineapples, cabbage, spinach, carrots and so many more. Eat them raw to get the most out of them.

Drink Water With Every Meal
This will make it easier to remember to drink water and it aids in your digestion. Your body depends on water to break down food, absorb nutrients, and remove waste. It is a win all around.

Set A Reminder
Having a water schedule will help you create a habit of drinking water. It might sound silly but a little reminder goes a long way. Maybe even just dictate certain times to drink up in your head and whenever you look at your phone and you see that it's around that time, drink up.

Tracking Apps
There are many water tracking apps that track not only how much water you have drank but how much other drinks and what you've eaten counts to you daily water intake as well. They send you reminders and and help you set a daily goal. Search the Appstore and find one that suits your individual needs.

These are seven ways I have used to help me reach my daily water goals. Right now I am capable of drinking 3 liters of water before 07:00pm and still wanting more. It took about a month or two for it to become effortless but it is a habit you will cherish for life. I hope these help you as well.

Please comment ways you have found that work for you and whether any of these made a difference to you. Help us out by sharing this with any friends and family who you think would like or need this.


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