All Natural Guide to Surviving Exam Season

It's that time of the year, all students are stressed out and working hard with no time for anything but studying. I know what that is like and I've put together a list of all natural and holistic things that help me get through test and exam season with my sanity intact.

Take Ginko Biloba Supplements. These have been used as a study aid by students for a very long time. Research has shown that Ginko improves concerntration, combats memory loss, and aids general brain function. This is what has made the biggest difference to me. You should take it everyday, ideally a month before you start exam season but it has given me much improvement even immediately.

Drink water. I know this is everyone's favorite tip but this is especially important for students. I often get so busy that I forget to hydrate myself and that just leads to moodiness and procrastination. Lack of water consumption has been shown to result in memory problems, mental fatigue, trouble focusing and depression. All things that can hinder your performance this exam season so drink up!

Incorporate brain boosting foods into your meals. These include leafy greens, dark chocolate, coconut oil, avocado, broccoli, blue berries, walnuts and beets.

Drink green tea while studying. The slight caffeine will give you an energy boost. Green tea is also full of antioxidants, it helps with oxygen absorption  and is anti-inflammatory. The caffeine and L-Theanine in green tea work together to improve memory, attention and learning.

Take a Vitamin C supplement every morning. There is nothing worse than catching a cold during exam season. It's the one thing that has consistently effected my performance negatively. So preventing it is very important.

Incorporate turmeric into your diet through using it as a spice or a Golden Latte. Turmeric can lift your mood, reduce stress and anxiety,  helps boost antioxidant levels and keep your immune system healthy. It also improves your brain’s oxygen intake, keeping you alert and able to process information.

Eat healthy snacks such as fruits, stove top popcorn, dates, nuts, soya yogurt and granola. These snacks give you a natural boost of energy that won't result in a crash. They allow you to keep going by being light and helping you avoid becoming lethargic and distracted. 

Set a schedule that includes your examination dates, time to study, relax and attend to other responsibilities. I usually schedule about 3 hours of study time a day, a month before exams start but this is up to personal preference and capacity.

Relax. Make time to reset and take a break from all the pressure. Taking no time off can easily lead to burn out and hinder your performance. My favorite thing to do to take a break is Kundalini yoga. I do this sequence by Brett Larkin. Check her out.
