Holistic Guide To Better Sleep

I've always had trouble sleeping. Even as a baby I rarely slept, afternoon naps were a myth to my mom. As I grew older this became a problem because it would deter my productivity at school. When I finally started getting a full night's sleep my dreams became the problem. I'd have full on action movies going on in my head all while I was lucid. I'd wake up in the morning feeling like I had pulled an all nighter.

These experiences have had me on a quest to find natural remedies for better sleep all my life and I have finally found a couple of practices that all work together to give me the best sleep I've ever had. I even look forward to calling it a night, whereas before sleeping was a nightmare to me (pun intended).

I've compiled all these practices into a list that will hopefully help you get better sleep as well. I recommend this to anyone, even people who don't have trouble sleeping because this could take your rest to a whole new level of indulgence.

Develop a Night Time Routine We'll start off with the most important thing on this list. Having a nigh time routine allows your body to unwind and with time tells it that it's time for bed. This allows you to fall asleep easier and deeply. My routine includes doing my skin care routine, oiling my nails and lashes, having tea, meditating for 10 minutes then watching funny or soothing Youtube videos.

Meditation increases and regulates melatonin, which is in charge of our sleep cycle. Meditators have been shown to have less insomnia causing beta brainwaves and an above average amount of alpha, theta and delta brainwaves. These induce deep relaxation and sleep. It brings you to a relaxed state of mind as you drift off to sleep. Studies have also shown that meditators  have advanced REM cycles, which results in increased dreams.
Turmeric Tea reduces inflammation, lowers your blood sugar levels, helps your liver to detoxify, boosts your immune system and eases your digestive system – all of which help you to get to sleep faster and sleep better.

Amethyst Crystals bring soothing and calming energies that help you to relax. They work to absorb and repel all negative energies, ridding your body of stress, anxiety, nervous energies and frustration about not being able to fall asleep. Placing Amethyst under your pillow before you go to sleep also increases your dreams, helps you remember your dreams and chases away nightmares.

Magnesium Supplements Insufficient magnesium intake is linked to sleep problems. Magnesium helps you fall asleep by activating the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for making you calm and relaxed. It also balances your melatonin, which is in charge of our sleep cycle. By balancing your hormones and calming your nervous system magnesium prepares your body for a deep sleep. Take it 30 minutes before you go to bed.

Turning Off All Devices Using TVs, tablets, smartphones, laptops, or other electronic devices before bed delays your body's internal clock (a.k.a., your circadian rhythm), suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and makes it more difficult to fall asleep. This is caused by the artificial blue light emitted by our devices. It delays and reduces the amount of REM sleep we get and can worsen your ability to sleep over time.

These are the things that have turned me from someone who hated sleep into someone who can not wait for bed time. Try one, or try all and comment how they have worked for you. Do you already do or use any of these comment your experience below for other readers to see.

Please share this with any one you think could need it.


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