Survival Tips For An Empath

Being an empath isn't easy. I have the worst and most chaotic memories of going anywhere when I was a child. The only pleasurable experiences I had was when the places we went were empty. I would always cry and I could never explain why I was crying because being overwhelmed by people's energy is quite an abstract feeling to explain for a child, much less understand. Till today I have the reputation of a cry baby with my family. I do still cry more than the average person but it's no longer because of other people's feelings, I have learnt to discern and protect myself from them.

Finding out that the constant discomfort and overwhelming emotions I felt, which I didn't have a reason for, were because I am an empath changed my life. Learning that I wasn't crazy and that there are ways to manage my empathy in a way that made it beneficial to me made living on this Earth a million times easier than I ever thought it could be. I wish I had someone at that age, who knew and understood what I was experiencing, to mentor me through it and teach me what I know now.

I am now living with an inner peace that my childhood self could not even imagine and these are some of the ways I achieve that.

Focus on your own needs

Take care of your body, mind and soul before you attend to those of others. You can only help others to the best of your abilities if you are well taken care of. Create a self-care ritual that works for you, everyone's is different. Treat your body and mind kindly by eating well and staying active both physically and mentally.

Prioritize how you spend your energy

As empaths it is hard to say no to a person in need but we should to be careful not to get lost and let people who have no real want to be helped siphon off our energy. My favorite quote by the Buddha is "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." This is the approach I take with people who prefer to wallow in self pity. Rather focus your energy on those who genuinely want to be better.

Protect your energy

It is so easy to be overwhelmed especially when you're absorbing the stress of others. I combat this by inhaling lavender essential oil, saying no without feeling the need to explain myself, being kind to myself, creating boundaries, and carrying black tourmaline around with me everywhere I go. The latter is brings me into my next tip...

Utilize crystals

Crystals are an amazing tool for empaths. Crystals that are especially good for empaths are Amethyst, Hematite, Fluorite, Malachite, and my favorite Black Tourmaline. I favor Black Tourmaline as it is a very strong protection stone. It shields you from negative energy, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic pollution.

Get away

Create physical space between you and the source of your discomfort. Sometimes getting away is the easiest and quickest way to overcome the discomfort. It isn't always possible, but when you can I suggest putting as much space between you and whatever is bothering you. If you're in a mall, maybe go to the toilet and take a few minutes to re-calibrate, or go to your room if the source is someone in your house.

Read through your news feeds less

I wholeheartedly believe your can absorb people's energy through a screen. So I try and limit my usage of social media. I also don't watch the news anymore. Both social media and the news tend to take a negative approach and I have noticed the toll it takes on my psyche.

Don't lose sight of your own dreams

Something I tend to do is get lost in the needs and dreams of others when I feel like they need me. I always have this idea that I will be okay so helping them is more important than pursuing my own dreams. Once I snap out of this trans, however, I realize that I have been neglecting my own hopes and aspirations. Not only is it vital for my own survival that I prioritize myself, but working on things that I am passionate about gives me a space that is just for me. This has been one of the hardest things but definitely a game changer.


Time management is key. I don’t plan too many things in one day. I’ve also learned to cancel plans when I get overloaded. This is a skill all empaths must learn so you don’t feel obliged to go out if you’re tired and need rest.
